14 September 2014

Family Visits are the BEST!

My parents were able to make the trek to Japan last April and we had a BLAST! It has been such a blessing to have our family members support and love on us by coming to visit this amazing country so far away!

So close and yet so far! They traveled for nearly 24 hours but still couldn't connect with us until they gathered their luggage.

They made it!!!

Token thing to do with folks that visit: CARP baseball game!!

Pretty good seats if I do say so myself!

We were able to make a day trip to Tsuwano. It's such a BEAUTIFUL place!

This extremely nice Japanese businessman sells his wife's pottery and son's art in his store in Tsuwano. He told us he was from Iwakuni originally - what a small world! Everything was very beautiful and unique, so of course we walked out of there with some amazing works of art!

Since my parents were here for Easter Sunday, we participated in the Sunrise service on the Kintai Bridge.

My parent's cheat sheet for remembering the language LOL! All spelled phonetically of course!

We hiked Mount Misen on Miyajima Island and I was SO proud of my parents, they were champs! It's not an easy hike by any means, but we made amazing time and had a wonderful outdoor adventure.

Okonomiyaki - the token Japanese dish that all newcomers MUST try!

Joel was obviously more excited about the food than his picture being taken ;-)

On our walk to the train station, we thought this was funny: an entire light and gate for a tiny walkway across the tracks!

We were able to visit the Mazda Museum and assembly line while we were in Hiroshima, so it was only fitting to make sure we had a picture with my favorite Mazda vehicle, the AXELA!
It was such a BLESSING to have my parents in Iwakuni and I will be forever grateful that they made the trek! 

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